Venture Corporation is a recipient of numerous awards for our commitment to exceptional quality, timely projects, and our cost efficiencies. We pride ourselves on being the best in our area, and we couldn't do it without a phenomenal team of industry leaders that share our vision.

Kip Spray - CEO
Chris Spray - President
Jeff Barnes - Vice President of Field Operations
William “Rocky” Seybert - Vice President and Secretary
Megan Niedens, CPA - Treasurer
Scot Moeder - Quality Control Manager
John Crofoot - Quality Control
Don Harrison - Construction Manager
Ken Michael - Construction Manager
Kameron Spray - Construction Manager
Ryan Koehler - Construction Manager
Justin Gabel - Construction Manager
John Ryan - Construction Manager
Bob Manka - Superintendent
Phil Horsfall - Superintendent
Bob Mommens - Superintendent
Ben Sanders - Superintendent
Karen Seems - Office Manager
Leslie Amador - Human Resources
Nikki Seybert - Contract Coordinator

If you would like to reach
us about an upcoming
project, feel free to
contact us at our
corporate office.
Venture Corporation
214 S. Highway 281
P.O. Box 1486
Great Bend, KS 67530
Ph: (620) 792-5921
Fax: (620) 792-7155